Sharing migration stories across neighbourhoods
Featured Exhibits
Block by Block is a participatory, multimedia project. Led by youth, Block by Block seeks to engage the public in a dialogue around the impact local communities have in the lives of newcomers. Through this exchange of personal stories, reflections, testimonies and resources we hope to create a better understanding of the role neighbourhoods play in fostering a more inclusive society.
Quartier par Quartier est un projet multimédia participatif. Mené par des jeunes, Quartier par Quartier cherche à engager le public dans un dialogue sur l’impact des communautés locales dans la vie des nouveaux arrivants. À travers ces échanges de récits personnels, de réflexions, de témoignages et de ressources, nous espérons mieux comprendre le rôle que les quartiers peuvent avoir dans l’établissement d’une société plus inclusive.
Dishing Up Toronto Festival 2018: “Beyond Food”
Food is not merely a consumable product, it’s about the hundreds of thousands of people and places that continually keep us well fed and foster communities. Join us for a unique festival series about the food, people, and places contributing to Toronto’s past, present, and future. All your curiosities and cravings will be satisfied during the Dishing Up Toronto festival as we will meet and eat with some of the City’s oldest, newest, least known, and almost famous contributing to Toronto’s food scape.
Acknowledgement of Traditional Land
Sharing stories is at the foundation of TWM’s mission…